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One of the most important characteristics of the IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM is its high insulation/thermal resistance (R-value). High R-value means high-energy efficiency. With a 6-inch concrete core, the R-value of a Pro Form System wall is 29. For comparison, a CBS concrete block wall has an R-value of no more than 4.8.

The IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM is considered "Green" and qualifies for energy rebate programs, energy star certifications and energy efficient mortgages. The high R-value of IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM walls reduces the size of heating and air conditioning equipment by as much as one half. IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM is also ideal for use in combination with energy saving solar systems.


Safety in Hurricanes, Tornados and Earthquakes
IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM provides housing construction with insulated concrete walls (interior & exterior), decks/roofs which are all monolithically connected. This is ideal for structural designs that give 200+ mph protection from tornadoes and hurricanes. The same applies to earthquake protection.


IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM is so strong that it is ideally suited for safe room designs. The combination of IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM exterior and interior walls, monolithically connected, improves the structural integrity twofold.


Superior comfort
Constant, comfortable temperatures are maintained in living areas built with high R-value IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM. You can feel the difference.


Quiet, peaceful environment
Outside noise levels are reduced to a whisper resulting in a quiet and peaceful living environment. Sound transmission control (STC) is greater than 50 (twice as good as traditional).


Healthier air
The monolithic concrete shell created when IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM is used guarantees an airtight building envelope that blocks the entry of pollens and dust into the home. Asthmatics and allergy sufferers will rest easier.


Resistance to fire
                                                                       IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM products are manufactured using only the highest quality of flame retardant        

                                                                       expandable polystyrene (EPS) grades of raw material. EPS will melt when exposed to temperatures of 300F to

                                                                       500F. If additional heat is applied and an ignition source persists, combustible gases given off by molten

                                                                       residue may ignite between 600F and 650F, the flash-ignition temperature. For comparative purposes, the

                                                                       flash-ignition temperature of Douglas fir wood is approximately 500F. Comprehensive tests have proven that

                                                                       the only toxic products of combustion given off by EPS are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

                                                                       Concentrations are low and are far less than those given off by an equal volume of burning wood products.

                                                                       In summary, structures that use the IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM are very safe in a fire. Tests show a fire rating of

                                                                       greater than two hours.


IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM products do not absorb water. They are waterproof. The mechanical properties of EPS are unaffected by moisture; water or water vapor. Exposure to water does not cause swelling. Water vapor will pass through the product but water will not.


Resistant to Rot and Pests
EPS provides no nutrient value to plants, animals and microorganisms. Therefore, bacteria and fungi do not multiply. The EPS used by IGLU PROFORM SYSTEM will not rot and is highly resistant to mildew.





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